Questions with short answers

Q    Define nature of International Law.
Ans International Law may be defined as the body of legal rules binding upon the states i n their relations with one another.

Q What is succession of states?
Ans Succession is absorbtion or merger of one state to another state or states.

Q Define the concept of extradition.
Ans When one state surrenders to another state an accused or convicted person, it is called extradition.

Q what is territorial asylum?
Ans When a state grants shelter or protection to foreigner and refuses his extradition.

Q What is ISAF?
Ans International security Assistance force

Q Who are counsellors?
Ans A person appointed by a govt. to serve its citizen and business in a foreign city.

Q What is diplomatic immunity?
Ans Exemption to members of diplomatic services from taxes, court action etc.

Q Define sovereignty.
Ans It means that Govts are supreme authority in their respective territories.

Q what are International rivers?
Ans International rivers are owned by several states.

Q Define Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ).
Ans EEZ is an area beyond but adjacent to the territorical sea of a coastal state which may not extend beyond 200 nautical miles from base.

Q What are the limits of continental shelf?
Ans 200 nautical miles from the shore and it should not exceed 350 nautical miles( 560 km)

Q What are basic political rights?
Ans (i) The right to vote (ii) Right to contest elections (iii) Right to public office (iv) The right to be protected by own govt when abroad (v) The right to petition

Q Define Civil rights.
Ans (i) The right to life (ii) Right to liberty and free movement (iii) Right to property (iv) Freedom of religion and conscience (v) The right to education (vi) Right to work

Q what is freedom of air?
Ans Complete sovereignty of a state over the airspace above its territory.

Q What are approaches for resolving conflicts?
Ans (i) Negotiations (ii) Mediation (iii) Good Offices (iv) Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation (v) Arbitration (vi) Adjudication (vii) Regional agencies and U.N.

Q Differentiate between Combatants and Non-combatants.
Ans Person taking active part in hostile activities during war are called combatants. Those who do not take part in hostile activities are non-combatants.

Q Define fundamental principles of Humanitarian law?
Ans Respect for Human Rights and fundamental freedom for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.

Q What are civil wars and armed conflicts?
Ans A civil war may occur between parties within the country or revolutionary groups and legitimate Govt. of the state. An armed conflict is armed contention between two or more states.

Q Define conciliation
Ans It is a process of ending a disagreement. Conciliation is made by a committee.

Q Define mediation
Ans Mediation is conducting of negotiations through the third party.

Q What are good offices?
Ans When a third party offers its srvices to remove differences between two states who are not willing to negotiate directly.

Q Define commission of Inquiry.
Ans A commission of Inquiry investigates the facts of a dispute or case.

Q What are methods for acquisition of nationality?
Ans (1)  The 1st method is by birth.
       (2)  The second method is by naturalization.
       (3)   By conquest i.e when a country is conquered and people become nationals of a conquering

Q Who is father of International Law?
Ans Hugo Grotius ( a Dutch).

Q Elaborate the term "Outer Space"
Ans  All states have equal rights to outer space and celestial bodies. Space exploration will be for the benefit
     all mankind.

Q Differentiate between High Commissioner and Ambassador
Ans High commissioner is a diplomatic representative of the embassy of commonwealth country. Ambassador is diplomat for non- Commonwealth countries.

Q  Mention the sources of International law.
Ans The most important sources of International law are treaties, customs, decisions of tribunals and commissions set up at international level and the decisions of courts of international justice.

Q Elaborate the concept of peaceful co-existence.
Ans To live together without hostility or conflict despite differences in political system.

Q What is hijacking
Ans To seize forcibly (an aircraft, Bus, ship, etc) and direct it to go to a non scheduled destination.

Q   What is mediation?
Ans  Mediation is conducting of negotiations through third party.

Q   Enumerate the term Good Offices.
Ans  When a third party offers its services to remove differences between two states who are not willing to negotiate directly.

Q   Enumerate the term sovereignty.
Ans  Sovereignty means that the Govts are supreme authrity in their respective territories.

Q   What do you mean by High Sea?
Ans  High sea is open sea which is common to all nations for the purpose of commerce etc.

Q Enumerate the term codification of International Law.
Ans The term codification indicates a process by which the entire body of the law is reduced in writing to a code.

Q What is nationality?
Ans Nationality is acquiring the membership of a person to some particular nation or state.

Q   Enumerate the term Intervention.
Ans  Intervention is dictatorial interference by one state in the affairs of another state.

Q What are the methods (modes) of losing territory?
Ans  (1)abandonment   (2) prescription  (3) Cession   (4) Conquest

Q  What do you mean by National Liberation Movement?
Ans  A revolutionary political movement for independence.

Q  What do you mean by conciliation?
Ans   It is a process of ending a disagreement.

Q Differentiate between Pact and Treaties.
Ans A pact is a formal agreement between two or more countries, organization or people for a particular thing to help each other. A Pact is not binding by International law while a treaty is binding by International law.

Q What is collective security?
Ans A system of world order in which aggression by one state will be met by collective response by all.

Q  State briefly Human Rights.
Ans  Human Rights are the basic rights which all people should have. The universal declaration of human rights was approved by U.N General Assembly in 1948. Its two main aspects are:-
(1)  Political and Civil rights
(2)  Social, economic and cultural rights.

Q Who is an ambassador?
Ans It is a diplomat sent from one country to another either as a permanent representative or on special mission.

Q  Give a title on a leading case in Asylum.
Ans  A leading case of asylum is the Dalai Lama of Tibet who was given asylum in India.

Q  What is piracy?
Ans  Piracy is robbery on the high seas. Piracy is laso in case of books, CDs, literature etc.

Q Define the word Stratagem.
Ans Trick, scheme or plan for deceiving enemy in war or achieving some purpose.

Q  What is meant by CEDAW?
Ans  Convention of elimination of discrimination against women.

Q What is difference between Retorsion and reprisal?
Ans  Retorsion is a revolutionary measure for unfriendly and unjust acts. The measures taken are within legal rights but indirectly harmful to other state. Reprisal is putting pressure of a violent nature.

Q   Who is the author of Dr. Jure Bell as Pacis - 1625?
Ans  Hugo Grotius who was born in Holland.

Q   Who was Dr. Drago?
Ans  Mr. Drago was the Argentinian Foreign Minister who in 1902 affirmed that military couldnot be taken against a defaulting debtor.

Q   What is an innocent passage?
Ans  Innocent passage is non-scheduled civil aircraft which can fly over a nation and has no traffic stops without prior permission.

Q  Define the term Prescription.
Ans   Long continued possession when the legitimate proprietor has neglected to assert its right.

Q   What is pacific Blockade?
Ans  Pacific Blockade is an act of force against the state blockaded. It is often adopted by naval powers.

Q   What is meant by sphere of influence or sphere of interest?
Ans   When a country has rights on another country but not territorial rights.

Q    What is consul General?\
Ans  A consul is appointed in a foreign city to supervise other consuls.

Q   What is the difference between natrual state and naturalized state?
Ans   Natural state is the state where one was born. Naturalized state is adopted state when one is not born in that state.

Q  What is international delinquency?
Ans  Failure or neglect to do what international law requires.

Q  Who was Hugo Grotius?
Ans  Hugo Grotius a scholar and idealist was born in Holland in 1583. He wroyte two books on international law (1) De Jure Paedae    (II) De Jure Belleac Pacis

Q   Distinguish between dejure recognition and defacto recognition.
Ans  De-facto recognition is the provisional recognition of another country. De jure recognition is the official and full length recognition to a state.

Q  What was the thesis which Grotius wrote?
Ans   De jure belli ac pacis (on the law of war and peace)

Q  How would you define insurgency?
Ans  Rising up against established authority or rebellion.

Q  How owuld you differentiate Vassal state from protectorate state?
Ans  A vassal state is completely under the suzerainty of another state. A protectorate is a country that is controlled by a more powerful country. e.g. Maldives was British protectorate until 1965.

Q What is meant by floating island?
Ans An Island on the high seas which is not territory of a particular state.

Q  What is Cession?
Ans  When a territory passes from the supremacy of one state to that of another.

Q Territorial Integrity means;
Ans  State boundaries are secure and cannot be attacked.

Q   Defin e Law.
Ans Law is a general rule of external conduct, passed and enforced by the state. International law is to regulate the relations of states.

Q  What is custom.
Ans  Long established general practice accepted as a law.

Q   Define Treaty.
Ans  Treaties are agreements between subjects (states) of international law.

Q  What is usage?
Ans  Long established practice or customary practice.

Q  What is tribunal?
Ans  A court of justice.

Q Write down the three names of jurists on International alw
Ans   (i) Grotius  (ii)  Vitoria   (iii) Suarez

Q What is Nation-State?
Ans  It is based on the bonds of Nationality, such as common religion, language, customs, common aspirations etc and is strengthened by national boundaries.

Q What is national Integration?
Ans It is national unity or combining diffrent ethnic groups into one nation.

Q  What do you mean by Globalization?
Ans Growth of Economic, Political and Cultural relations across borders.

Q What is ICJ?
Ans  The International court of Justice located in Hague, Holland. It is a principal organ of U.N. It consist of 15 judges.

Q  What are main organs of U.N.?
Ans  (i) General Assembly  (ii) Security Council (iii) The economic and Social council (ECOSOC)  (iv) The Trusteeship Council  (v0 The Secretariat (vi) The International Court of Justice (ICJ)

Q Define Blockade.
Ans   Shutting off a port or region of a belligerent state by the troops and ships of enemy.

Q Define the Hot Pursuit.
Ans Right of hot pursuit is available to a coastal state to pursue into the high seas a foreign vessel for infraction of its laws and regulations.

Q Defien Annexation.
Ans To incorporate into a country, state, the territory of another country or state.

Q What is International community?
Ans International community is the world public opinion, world organizations and govternments.

Q What is Asylum?
Ans  When a person flees away from his home country to any foreign country there is given shelter or asylum.

Q Define Mediation.
Ans Mediation is the conducting of negotiations through third party.


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