Questions with short answers
Q Define nature of International Law. Ans International Law may be defined as the body of legal rules binding upon the states i n their relations with one another. Q What is succession of states? Ans Succession is absorbtion or merger of one state to another state or states. Q Define the concept of extradition. Ans When one state surrenders to another state an accused or convicted person, it is called extradition. Q what is territorial asylum? Ans When a state grants shelter or protection to foreigner and refuses his extradition. Q What is ISAF? Ans International security Assistance force Q Who are counsellors? Ans A person appointed by a govt. to serve its citizen and business in a foreign city. Q What is diplomatic immunity? Ans Exemption to members of diplomatic services from taxes, court action etc. Q Define sovereignty. Ans It means that Govts are supreme authority in their respective territories. Q what are International rivers? Ans International rivers are owned by s...